Lecture: Jacek Chojczak at the Academy of Stage Techniques

IVL Photon – a new device from Minuit Une
3 February 2022
Jacek Chojczak at the Academy of Stage Techniques
3 February 2022

We cordially invite you on November 9 this year. to our headquarters for a unique lecture led by Jacek Chojczak from Green Beam Design. The event is scheduled to start at 10:00.

The following issues will be discussed during the lecture:

– how the largest and slightly smaller festivals and TV events are designed
– what to pay attention to when choosing specific devices
– how to choose colors and effects to make it sound for the audience and cameras
– and many of the secrets of his work, both for television and during events, concerts and festivals
Please send your registration to the following address: akademia@teatr.com.pl

The number of places is limited. Participation in the lecture is free of charge.

You’re welcome!

European Union Funds