Completion date: 2007
Cultural Centre in Chorzów began its activity in 2008. However, the building itself together with the theatre hall was built during the interwar period. After the World War Two, the buildings function was taken by the Municipal Community Center. With time, some limitations emerged, which effectively inhibited the professional staging activities. In 2006, the Chorzów’s Town Hall issued a tender for developing and realization of the stage and entertainment technology design.
The P.S. TEATR Company became responsible for the design and execution of stage technology machinery. There has been
a complex design documentation of the equipment and stage installations prepared, along with assembly of, i.a.: stage technology lighting, machinery equipment, electroacoustic system and stage managers communication system.
The Cultural Centre in Chorzów gained a rotating stage, orchestra pit trapdoors with Spiralift drives, 20 electrically driven stage barrels, two light bridges and portal towers. There were also two, electrically driven stage curtains with variable speed movement adjustment installed.