Completion date: 2006
Culture Centre in Stargard was set up in 1983, beginning its cultural activity in an old detention center building.
In 2006 in the south wing of the facility a cinema and theatre hall was opened. Przedsiębiorstwo Specjalistyczne TEATR fitted the object with stage technology lighting devices. The light park consists of 40 luminaires (i.a. PC reflectors 650W and 1kW, and profile luminaires Source Four ZOOM with a 750W lamp by ETC). The control is being performed via ORB by ZERO88 and HydraSky 24 consoles. The system is supplied via four, 24-chanel wall-mounted Wall Rack dimmers (24 circuits, 2.5kW each) by Philips Strand Lighting and one SD6 dimmer pack (6 circuits, 2.5kW each) by Philips Strand Lighting.
Przedsiebiorstwo Specjalistyczne TEATR was responsible for the delivery and installation of the light bridge and counter-bridge, six chain hoists for decorations, cinema screen hoist and curtain mechanism together with backdrops.